
Maxxy enhances the performance of B2B sales teams

Maxxy brings clarity to forecasts and highlights deal blockers. Drive adoption and consistency with video training, methodology automation and mobile chat. Improving your team's execution and results.

“I now have complete visibility on my number and reasons for change. CRM used to tell me this but was often inaccurate, Maxxy is so much sharper”

Sarah Phillips – Business Director

“Sales team credibility let us down across the business. Now we are so much more accurate it is driving new respect”

Dave Smith – VP Sales

“My salespeople now have a voice back to the board, highlighting any deal blockers putting their numbers at risk”

John Mills – Chief Revenue Officer
Less Resource

Maxxy drives sales management basics

Acting as a virtual sales manager, Maxxy saves your teams time while diligently driving the basics of sales management. Better accuracy, more clarity, less resource.

  • Chases forecasts and commitments
  • Highlights deal blockers
  • Streamlines reporting
  • Drives training and methodology adoption

Critical Dependencies - Blocked

drives sales management
Sales training
Management Dashboards

Absolute clarity on the numbers and performers

Maxxy formats reports to your team heirarchy giving an immediate picture of performers, variance, and problem areas. Drill down for more detail, consider the blockers putting your number at risk or see who is using the training methodologies and tools most effectively.

  • Team snapshot with detailed drill down
  • Deal blockers and impact presented by department
  • Sales training adoption tracked
  • Action progress and non-compliance highlighted
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Improve sales performance, easily

Maxxy’s mobile chat interface easily guides salespeople through the tools and methodology that will increase performance. This means they engage with it more often, increasing adoption and results.

  • Drives best practice every day
  • Saves time with automated tools
  • Tracks actions and commitments
  • Designed to work in the field not the classroom
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sales performance

“Maxxy drives consistent usage of sales methodology across our teams. Our adoption before was always lacking”

Jane Francis – Sales Enablement Lead

“The consistency and diligence that Maxxy has driven has made our management tasks so much easier. Real clarity, top to bottom, for the first time”

Andy Mason- CRO

“Non-compliant CRM records were frustrating for management and slowed the salespeople down. Maxxy eliminates that completely”

John Bowen – Sales Operations
Text Message
Save time

Text Message updates to your existing CRM

Maxxy lets salespeople update their CRM records easily, it’s as simple as sending a WhatsApp. This means they interact more often and so the data is more accurate. Maxxy will challenge any entries and prompt for more information as well as sending reminders to fix non-compliant data

  • CRM updates within the chat app
  • No need to navigate complex CRM
  • Define your custom rules to achieve data compliance
  • Keep salespeople efficient and on the road
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Maximum performance

Drive best practice automatically, every day.

Over 85% of Sales training is unused within 120 days of the team leaving the classroom, resulting in failed ROI. Maxxy drives daily adoption of your sales training, easily. Which means that the salespeople use it daily and it quickly becomes part of your Sales DNA.

  • Sales training tools within the mobile app
  • Can be bespoke to any methodology
  • Coaching of best practice
  • Action chasing and compliance
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sales performance

Supercharge your teams Sales Performance

Try it free in your team